#1 Setting the current time and current day: – slide “RUN” switch to left symbol of clock face. – press 1….7 button until arrow points to current day (1=Monday, 2=Tuesday, etc.). Press “ h ” then “ m ” buttons to set the current time. The “PM” indicator shows noon to 11:59 p.m. – slide “RUN” switch to “run”. The clock colon will blink between the hours and minutes.

For every spray time, you need to set a Clock ON and Clock OFF time.

We suggest setting them with the minimum allowed duration, which is one minute apart.

This does not affect the spray duration.

Use the knob on your control panel to set the desired spray duration

The above picture is showing a spray time starting at 7am. Set the top right toggle switch to P

Press the 1…7 button until all 7 days are indicated.

It will show all the black triangles above the time, pointing to the 1-7 numbers like in the pictures above.

Set Your CLOCK ON Time

Press the ‘h’ button until 7:00am displays.

Following the 7:00am time, you will see (like in the first picture) the bulb ‘ON’ display.

Set your CLOCK OFF time

Remember, you are just telling the clock itself to turn off. This does not affect the spray duration.

Press the lower left P button once.

Press the 1…7 button until all 7 days are indicated.

Press the ‘h’ button until 7:00am displays. Then press the ‘m’ button until 7:01am displays.

Following the 7:01am time, you will see (like in the second picture) NO bulb display.

Press the lower left P to move to the next entry.

So, let’s say you want your next entry every day to be 5pm.

Follow the steps above until 5:00pm shows on your clock. Followed by the bulb “ON” display.

Set the clock off time following the steps above until you get 5:01pm on your clock with NO bulb display.

When all desired times all entered, switch the upper right toggle back to the middle ‘RUN’ position.